Thursday, May 17, 2012

Biological Specimens

Aloha, all!

So I have this really fun iridescent paper I have been wanting to use. I decided to test it out on some butterflies and I think it worked really well! I put them in a shadow box frame and now I have the beginnings of my very own bug collection. I have to say, I'm MUCH happier having a paper bug collection rather than a real one, that's for sure!

What do you think?

Monday, May 14, 2012

I See A Little Silhouetto

Currently searching for a muse. I need some inspiration! 

A while ago I made a bunch of silhouettes for my good friend MP. She wanted them of her three children and nephew, and planned to give them as gifts for Christmas. It was a lot of fun! Since then I have done a number of other silhouette projects, including a set of my cousins, sister, and I. 

Silhouettes: classic, easy, and fun!

MP sent me this great picture of the framed silhouettes. Some of you might even recognize the heart on the wall... Thank you, MP!