Saturday, November 30, 2013

Moorish Idol

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know i did :)

Here are some Moorish Idols i have been experimenting with. I cut a large version, and then scaled them down and made them into a card for a dear friend. I think i will be using these guys again in a papercut soon.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Spiny Lumpsucker

It's a rainy morning here on the island. A perfect time to design new cuts!

Here's a papercut I made a few weeks ago for a friend. His favorite fish happens to be the Spiny Lumpsucker.

(I'm on a fish kick right now. Fish are so fun to cut!)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Emperor Angelfish

It's the weekend!!

I've been on a fish kick recently and have come up with a ton of fun fish designs. I've also started experimenting with adding more layers and color. It's so much fun to sort through all my paper to find the perfect combinations!

Did you know that juvenile Emperor Angelfish are dark blue with electric blue and white rings, while adults have yellow and blue stripes? It takes about 24 to 30 months for an Emperor Angelfish to acquire its adult coloring. (Thanks, Wikipedia!)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cambodian Dancers, Pt. 2

Finished piece for the birthday girl! 

(Wish I didn't have to include a watermark...grrr.)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cambodian Dancers

Sneaky peaky sketch of a work I just finished. By the way, I'm now on Instagram! If you want to see some more of my art, Kauai, behind the scenes, my life as a bikini seamstress, and general pictures of this and that, find me @FalseClover.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sticker #2

Another paddle has been sticker bombed! I custom made this design for one of my best friends and just finished fixing it to her paddle. Hope she likes it!

 With transfer tape.


Both of our paddles.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cunning As A Fox

Another tribal design! This one represents a warrior whose symbol is the fox. Foxes are tricky and clever, traits every good warrior should possess. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Behind The Scenes

Another work in progress! Here is a picture from the back with the early morning sun shining through. I have a ways to go, but it looks pretty cool just like this :) 

Finished product coming soon! Now go have a Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Snake + A Deer = A Sneer!

So, today's post features a tribal art inspired piece I just finished cutting. For this papercut, I combined elements from Maori, Polynesian, and Native American design. I chose a deer and snakes...for no real reason. They were  just the first animals to come to mind :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Calling All Paper Cutters!

Attention fellow paper cutters: I am interested in publishing posts showcasing other artists and their work. Interested? E-mail me at for an opportunity to be featured on my site!

A companion piece to my last post. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Frame of Mind

While I am still making a ton of Polynesian/Tahitian inspired designs (I will post some soon!), I took a break and decided to play with framing simple black and white scenes. Possible postcards? Stationary? Or maybe the beginning ideas for a new collaboration...

One Drink, Two Straws

By the way, have I told you about Bedford & Loew, the joining of Bedford Creek Press and myself? Using my design, my buddy Lauren has printed out some wonderful cards. Check them out on Etsy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

My Resolution

Happy (belated) New Years, everyone!

I have been jumping around from one place to another recently, and haven't had much time to focus on my art.  I did manage to buy some nice new paper in NYC though. My resolution for this year is to get back on track with my paper cutting, get into some shows, set up my online store, and get my website up and running. Oh, and sell some art, of course!

I had a little time recently to design a card. I am in love with this color combination! I leave tomorrow, so when I get back later in the month from Guatemala (!!), I am planing on cutting a few more of these babies out. Show me some love, and maybe you will find one in your mailbox :)

P.S. I am always looking for inspiration. If you have any ideas, pass 'em on!