Monday, January 14, 2013

My Resolution

Happy (belated) New Years, everyone!

I have been jumping around from one place to another recently, and haven't had much time to focus on my art.  I did manage to buy some nice new paper in NYC though. My resolution for this year is to get back on track with my paper cutting, get into some shows, set up my online store, and get my website up and running. Oh, and sell some art, of course!

I had a little time recently to design a card. I am in love with this color combination! I leave tomorrow, so when I get back later in the month from Guatemala (!!), I am planing on cutting a few more of these babies out. Show me some love, and maybe you will find one in your mailbox :)

P.S. I am always looking for inspiration. If you have any ideas, pass 'em on!