Sunday, September 25, 2011

Frederic Remington Museum - Juried Art Show 9/24/11

Show #2 of the weekend was in the great Frederic Remington museum. The more and more I see his work, the more I like it. There was a great exhibit for Remington's 150th birthday. Artists made pieces inspired  by Remington's work, and they were all amazing. Remington would have been proud!

Most of the pictures of the show were taken by my darling sister. The lighting of the museum plus my camera didn't work out very well, but we did our best.

The Remington Museum (I took this photo from their website...currently the museum is having some construction done, and I couldnt get a good picture of the outside)

Like the show at Lake Placid, it got crowded fairly quickly.

Taken by Marion Bradish

Undulating Fibers by Sue Thomas

Daybreak by Terry Rempel-Mroz

Some of the gallery space. 

Almost Home by Bob Renaud

My uncle Ron. 

And one of my pieces!

Four of my (blurry) cousins.

A really dramatic picture of my other piece (the lighting was crazy). 

Me and my sister.

A shout-out to all of my family: thank you for coming to the show and supporting me and my artistic endeavors. You guys are the best!

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